That's A Crime

Porn Star’s Iconic Tattoos Solve Murder Case (2022)

May 04, 2022 Just Curious Media Episode 36
Porn Star’s Iconic Tattoos Solve Murder Case (2022)
That's A Crime
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That's A Crime
Porn Star’s Iconic Tattoos Solve Murder Case (2022)
May 04, 2022 Episode 36
Just Curious Media

That's A Crime
Episode 36: Porn Star’s Iconic Tattoos Solve Murder Case (2022)

Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down the true crime story of the Porn Star’s Iconic Tattoos Solve Murder Case in 2022. In mid-March 2022, Italian porn star, Carol Maltesi, who worked under the stage name Charlotte Angie was reported missing. After body parts with iconic tattoos were found in various bags on a mountainside road, police arrested Italian banker, Davide Fontana, who was Maltesi's neighbor. Fontana had brutally murdered Maltesi with a hammer and then dismembered her body and hid it in a freezer for 2 months before disposing of her remains.

Original Episode: S01E36

Recorded: 04-14-22
Studio: Just Curious Media





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That's A Crime
Episode 36: Porn Star’s Iconic Tattoos Solve Murder Case (2022)

Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down the true crime story of the Porn Star’s Iconic Tattoos Solve Murder Case in 2022. In mid-March 2022, Italian porn star, Carol Maltesi, who worked under the stage name Charlotte Angie was reported missing. After body parts with iconic tattoos were found in various bags on a mountainside road, police arrested Italian banker, Davide Fontana, who was Maltesi's neighbor. Fontana had brutally murdered Maltesi with a hammer and then dismembered her body and hid it in a freezer for 2 months before disposing of her remains.

Original Episode: S01E36

Recorded: 04-14-22
Studio: Just Curious Media





#justcuriousmedia #thatsacrime #mrjasonconnell #salvadorlosangeles #truecrime #misdemeanor #murder #mystery #suspense #thriller #horror #criminal #serialkiller #thief #suspect #victim #guilty #jail #prison #pornstarsiconictattoos #solvemurdercase

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Jason Connell:

Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is that's a crime. I'm Jason Connell.

Sal Rodriguez:

And I'm Sal Rodriguez.

Jason Connell:

All right, sound we are back for another crime.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, a very interesting one.

Jason Connell:

Very interesting indeed. Headlines popped off the page kind of looked at a couple different articles, because this is a foreign crime, different country. And sometimes the publications are tricky. Sal, I gotta tell you, and, you know, some of the way they pronounce things, but it took a while, but it was fascinating and disturbing. And just right up our alley on that to crime.

Sal Rodriguez:

We'll also start to get into some one of my favorite topics, and that is the evidence. Yes, the forensics. Yep. Because my favorite crime show to this day is Forensic Files is because they show you how they solved the crime. Yeah, I don't just want to know that the man was crazy or all that. Yeah, that's all fine. I want to know, how did they catch this person? And here we are talking about

Jason Connell:

before we do that sale, and we go off forensic for you. A word from our sponsor? Yes. Support for that. So crime is brought to you by manscaped, who is the best and men's below the waist grooming and offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels? Join over 4 million men worldwide who trust manscaped. And with this exclusive offer, you'll get

Sal Rodriguez:

20% off and free worldwide shipping with the code. That's a

Jason Connell:

Alright. So today, we're breaking down the True Crime Story of the porn stars iconic tattoos solve murder case in 2022. Headlines grabby right there. So

Sal Rodriguez:

sure, yeah, because these are a couple of topics, which I find interesting. Two topics, intertwined. Porn Stars and tattoos. Well, you know, it's one thing as a man as a, to be interested in porn stars, I think some of that may be normal. But as far as the tales that may coincide some of the tragedies that may coincide some of these people some of the some of the pasts that some of these people carry with them, arguably, that might have brought them into that industry. You know, that's a whole psychological analysis. But who these people are, I actually do find interesting and in particularly how they got involved in such a career.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. And there's some really good movies that deal with this as well like Boogie Nights. And yeah, it's true. There's always like a one step is in the CD world is underworld. But we don't get into that in this particular case, because we don't know a lot about the individual, the victim, unfortunately. So this is more about the case and the findings. And, and again, as much as I tried to pull there's limited information, but it's still a shocking and important case to cover.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, also, because it's still new. I mean, as tires on there will be more evidence coming to light, we will develop more stories, articles, folklore surrounding it, but right now, it's still new. So as you will find as you peruse crimes, true crimes, especially in recent history, you're gonna see there's not a whole lot of information yet. It's still coming out. Yeah. Or you may have what they call misreporting, giving you information. It's not it's not true. They're trying to get the right story. So we're still I think, still in the process of putting it all together.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, we're getting a lot of these more recent crimes, I start to go research and then I'm hit with updates. And I have Google Alerts. And now we're getting a lot more of these 2022 crimes. So and 2022 is relatively young, still young ish. You know, we're only a few months in but yeah, yeah, it's a scary thing. And when you're making a podcast about crime, it's a self fulfilling prophecy, unfortunately.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. Never ending. It's a never ending escalator of crimes.

Jason Connell:

We could do an hourly show, unfortunately. Yeah, it could

Sal Rodriguez:

be like a ticker, like the NASDAQ. You know, you'll see the crimes that they don't stop.

Jason Connell:

I know. So, into this crime. In mid March of 2022 26 year old Italian porn star and mother of one Carol Moll Tessie, who worked under the stage named Charlotte Angie was reported missing when she failed to turn up at a lap dancing club. Now Sally, this is a tragic story but Were you familiar with Charlotte Angie at all by chance? I was not of course Italian porn star so

Sal Rodriguez:

well hang on. Was she only working in Italy or she work in the states to do we know that?

Jason Connell:

No, I don't know. Okay, but I'm sure online is online right so

Sal Rodriguez:

well you know what's interesting is for you young uns, once upon a time you didn't have as many options and categories and choices of porn. Now you go onto a website. Some of the big ones we don't have to mention anything but you can go there and there's an infinite array of categories. Yeah, you can kind of get lost in there go through a labyrinth so yeah, I might have come across Carol Mata see rested. I might have Angie Yeah, Charlotte, Angie, I might have come across her but I didn't know her name maybe yeah. So yeah, it is possible I made know the face but not off the name. No, fair enough.

Jason Connell:

Well, now according to reports, and I'll go off of her real name Montecillo will use Is her name out of respect for the victim that was sharing her stage name but sure I'll Tessie had actually been missing since January 2022. And during that time her killer had pretended to be her and a twisted ruse aimed at making it seem as if she was still alive. Now this included paying her rent responding to her text messages. I mean, so this is like, beyond disturbing and also reminds me of the very famous infamous Gabby PITINO murder which happened just last summer when her fiance Brian laundry was doing you know, took her cell phone and was making text messages and trying to say she's okay and it turns out that you know, she had been murdered and then what Brian wound up committing suicide in the midst of a manhunt for him but that just immediately came to mind like oh yeah cuz he was doing that like buying time keeping the victim alive so to speak. And much in the same year

Sal Rodriguez:

yeah, that's where you get into like you said a twisted and disturbing because it's one thing I you know, they used to use a phrase called crime of passion. I don't know if they use that anymore. Sure. It doesn't let you off the hook but it kind of creates a scenario like it's almost like you you didn't plan to kill them it just happened you know in a fit of rage or whatever. But once that happens once you kill the person what do you do?

Jason Connell:

You give yourself up reach out to the authorities but no if you keep the lie going the cover up sounds terrible, but it's happening here. So my testes obviously missing killed we find this out. And this person is you know, continuing this tale this ruse, which is terrible. I mean, think about family, friends, all these people like okay, well, I guess she's okay. So disturbing to hear.

Sal Rodriguez:

It's kind of like a fine line between Psycho and evil. Like, yeah, if you kill somebody with a hammer is this killer? Did you kill them? Then that's psycho. You're a psycho you need to be dealt with. But then the cover up was you start to go into the realm of evil. You go from psycho to evil. Now you're just an evil person beyond even psycho. And once you're in the evil realm, I don't know if there's any hope for you at all. And I just hope they keep you away.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, so you're given spoilers away.

Sal Rodriguez:

We're gonna get there we're gonna get

Jason Connell:

Yeah, so as for my testes killer. It was 43 year old Italian banker dava de Fontana, who was also her friend and neighbor. Now Fontana murdered my Tessie with a hammer which is disturbing in itself. I mean, I can't even imagine how brutal that is. I don't want to and then Salah take it further than that dismembered her body inhibited and his

Sal Rodriguez:

freezer. I missed that word, his his personal freezer like a kitchen freezer.

Jason Connell:

Oh my. So the murder is awful enough. Sad. But when you get into dismemberment, it just takes this sick and twisted, churn and we've had a recent crime, we've covered about dismemberment, and it's, you know, it's this the images that pop in your head, it's the disrespect for the dead. It's so many things that crosses so many lines. For me,

Sal Rodriguez:

it is and you know what, it's not easy. I mean, you got to put some muscle into it. It is not easy. I'm certain to dismember a human being I'm just a mad you're gonna you're gonna break a sweat. You're gonna have to put some elbow grease into that, which makes it just that more wicked.

Jason Connell:

Can you imagine this person doing this Fontana and then get in a text message? Oh, no, I'm okay. Everything's fine. And then you're back to the grind on believable.

Sal Rodriguez:

wicked, evil, twisted. Those are the words for sure. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

So Now eventually, Fontana learned that the police were looking for more testing because hey, she's missing for a few months, right? No one's asking questions. And so he stuffed her remains into several bags and threw them off a mountain road in Brasilia. So it's a city just two hours outside of Milan. So I'm not familiar with Italy. I'm sorry. So but, you know, in most cases out of this grotesque nature, this was a very well planned, I mean, you take to this level, and then you throw the body in some bags and then throw it off a mountainside. I mean, thank goodness This is sounding kind of sloppy, because if it was well thought out, you know, he probably would have burned the body buried it not just gotten to, you know, wild hair to hit the road and Italy and then just fling things off a country road. I mean, fortunately, it does lead back to him, but I cannot believe this is the plan.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, so that's what makes me believe that it was possibly not a premeditated murder. It might have been a crime of passion in a fit of rage, a fit of jealousy, whatever it was, and then becomes the evil cover up. Yeah, very sloppily done. This guy probably did not plan this in advance. But unfortunately a guy like this whenever somebody is capable of something like this. Obviously they get arrested. It, it may be their first arrest for such a thing. But I always wonder if they've done something like this before. It's kind of one of those things like, by the time a person gets caught shoplifting, they shoplifted many times before that it's just now they got caught. So in a situation like this, I hope and pray that she was his first and only victim was

Jason Connell:

sloppy. This was I would say, yes. So let's hope that, but we don't know, I was just saying that. Anytime that we've covered these types of grotesque things, these types of murders. Usually it's a sloppy job. It's like they do it. They're in over their head, and they start making these irrational decisions. And then that leads back to them all roads lead back to these guys. Thank goodness they're sloppy is my point.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, no, no, yes. Thankfully, they are sloppy, which makes them easier to catch for sure.

Jason Connell:

So shortly after disposing of metastases body, a passerby spotted a mutilated hand with glitter nail polish, but the woman was not identifiable because her face had been burned. So he went so far as to burn her face to try to, you know, lessen her features. I don't know about her teeth didn't get into that right or dental records. But authorities then released a description that included details of her 11 tattoos, seven of which were intact, including the words, wanderlust on her upper body. Elegance is the dot dot dot down her back, and step by step on her right ankle. Now, these are very Yeah, exactly. And, obviously, you're gonna stand out, especially for a porn star. Now, Carol metacity, as Charlotte Angie launched her porn career on the adult site, only I'm assuming, also had inverted V tattoos on her inner thighs, which were visible in many of her X rated videos. Yeah, again, these are very iconic tattoos for her. And so separate question. No judgement here. But when you talked about sites earlier, are you familiar with only fans? It seems like I've heard about it. I don't know it. I don't know if this is in the States or this is an Italian one, or I thought there was a fans only. But that can be about sports. I don't know. But are you familiar at all?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, just to be clear, only fans is not only for pornographic content, okay? Or adult performers. There was a UFC star recently, Diego Sanchez, who launched in only fans giving training tips, and you know, MMA tips. So it's not only for adults, it's just for

Jason Connell:

creators, right? It's for creative, you can subscribe and you could do whatever you want with it, I'm assuming Yes.

Sal Rodriguez:

But along the way, it was sort of pivoted. Well, there's a large bulk of adult content on only fans, but only fans is not only adult content, that

Jason Connell:

makes sense. Okay, but they don't restrict them like YouTube would, right? Oh, yeah.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, you know, the interesting thing about YouTube is a video sharing services, there is no adult content on YouTube, except in the name of education. So there is nudity on YouTube, they do show genitalia on YouTube, if it is within the context of an educational video, for example, there are videos on there about how to wax, how to give yourself a bikini wax, how to do a prostate exam. There's stuff like that under the name of medical and educational that does indeed have nudity, which I find very interesting, because I mean, but it's just sexual nature. Oh, it's non sexual, but it is nudity and it is there. So don't go there. Do not look. But it's there. Trust me take my word for it. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

well, very interesting tattoos. These are indeed iconic tattoos. And it leads us to well, as the title of this episode says, it helps solve the case because yeah, if this guy was thinking he would also think, hey, who all has these right? Elegance is the step by step and wanderlust, but he's gonna burn her face and not even think to do that. You know, those might be the bags that you don't maybe put them in such different places. But thank goodness this is not doesn't sound like a serial killer. It sounds like a guy who got in over his head, a bad guy who needs to pay the price, but not one that has a body count higher than one. Let's hope

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm feeling kind of regretful because I myself do not have any tattoos were I to be killed? How would they identify me? With no, I'm kind of average, in a way like, you know, there's nothing I would say majorly identifiable about me, per se. Maybe I should get a couple of tattoos a couple of unique tattoos. We can identify me

Jason Connell:

with a GPS that was put in your system a long time ago just

Sal Rodriguez:

with the with the vaccine is

Jason Connell:

Yeah, I have no tattoos either. But I don't judge.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, I'm the same. I don't want tattoos but I do like tattoos. I do appreciate tattoos for a couple of things one is the art. I do appreciate a bit of absolute also the tribal history. There's a lot of tribes today but also historically, we'll do body art. Also, you know, my oldest brother is an LSAT firefighter and had to fight the city a few years ago because a new captain came into the LA City firefighting force and made new rules about visible tattoos. So for a while there, my brother was required to wear clothing completely covered up even in the privacy of their firearms. There was some press involved. He I think, got an attorney and was able to at least get grandfathered into the fact that well, he has visible tattoos. But since he's already on the force, he can stay. But I think the new recruits, no visible tattoos and LA City firefighters.

Jason Connell:

How about that? What if it was like one just showing like firefighters or your firehouse and it's crazy. They do

Sal Rodriguez:

have that because there are sort of like, for example, my oldest brother was the president of the firefighter motorcycle club. Yeah, it was kind of like, I mean, they would look like bikers to the casual observer, but there are firefighters. So yeah, there are clubs within the ranks of the LA City firefighters connected to the firefighters and they do have tattoos. So yeah, absolutely.

Jason Connell:

On that note, the tattoos in question here. And while Tessie had did in fact lead the police to identify her, which made Fontana come forward. Well, so yeah, basically, they put her tattoos out there online. And it helped them bring in enough people who could identify her. So they identified the victim. So Fontana comes forward. But so he came forward to tell investigators that he knew her, but denied any involvement in her disappearance. Sure. So he felt nervous about enough to come forward. And I also read that he was kind of filling in some blanks and his stories weren't adding up. You know, there was some, you know, things were starting to contradict himself. And these guys are wise investigators. They don't have any suspects. You know, here's a body bag on the side of the road. And like, Who's this porn star? And here's her neighbor and friend who's like, yeah, so immediately he's becoming suspect number one, I'm sure. Or at least one of a few. Yeah. And you know, it always comes down to motive saw we talked about this before in these types of crimes, like who has the motive? Who is this going to be and the police are already looking at Fontana, like, suspiciously

Sal Rodriguez:

What are you talking about motives that we do we have a motive yet otherwise? I'm gonna assume in a situation like this where she's a porn star. She's a stripper they said that she shouldn't show up at her lap dance a job at a strip club, I guess. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

Well, you could go back over and where she shot films, or does she do more jobs like this? I'm sure they went down the usual beats like, she's not doing this where she at. But then here comes a neighbor who knows her and, and his story's a little bit off. Like he doesn't have it all buttoned up. He's creating his own issues. He's digging his own grave.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, you got to get your story straight. If you're going to talk to the authorities. Hey, listen, if whether you're innocent or guilty, that's your business. But you have to get your story straight. I had a friend tell me about an accident auto accident a few months down the road, they tell me the same story and I go, ah, your story's a bit different. And of course, they got all mad and defensive. But I said, Listen, I'm not saying you hit the person. I'm just telling you to get your story straight. That's all I'm telling.

Jason Connell:

You didn't tell me you're a drunk the first time they told me this. Yeah.

Sal Rodriguez:

You didn't mention the wine bottles

Jason Connell:

in the back. Oh, yeah, lay off so. So police then tracked his movements over the previous few months. So they started investigating Fontana. They searched his home and sow they found a large freezer. They also located the same type of garbage bags that were used to dispose of the body and DNA evidence that ultimately incriminated him. DNA will get you every time so I know that you know this.

Sal Rodriguez:

There you go. That's why I love Forensic Files. I really do. I love seeing guilty people put away from a science base. I mean, I love that because you know, they say eyewitness testimony is the most unreliable test.

Jason Connell:

Like you just said that's all we have Frank Kennedy keep their story straight their own story about their own car crash or whatever it was. Yeah, one car accident. Yeah, it's like I'm I forgot I'm I'm hazy on those details now. So yeah, you're right. It's a terrible thing to rely on. But they've got DNA proof here. And if that wasn't enough, so they also found video surveillance allegedly showing my Tessie and Fontana together and her car in January, and then that vehicle had not been seen anywhere until March, when it was clocked going through a toll booth in bARNO an hour or so away from where they discovered the body. So the walls out are beginning to cave in.

Sal Rodriguez:

But are we implying that he was the person driving through that toll booth so he

Jason Connell:

probably put that car in a garage and sat there and then he was like, Oh, I gotta do something with this car and the bodies and all sudden that car except resurgence goes through a toll booth but he's taken her car out of the ditch that car that's where like the details just there's no more information on it. I don't know if that car was found on the side of the road or what he did, but it was clocked there, but the video surveillance is very damning. Obviously, no one's seen her since one you guys had this, you know moment in their car and they weren't even clear on where the video surveillance came from. Was it from a ring camera? Was it? I don't know, but it doesn't look good for Fontana.

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, and I'm very happy to hear that this guy kills someone in cold blood. Even if it's in a rageful fit. He kills someone his massive cover up dismemberment, putting in the freezer, the garbage bags, which to me that just reeks of disrespect. So I mean, I'm not like Mr. Feminist But where's like misogyny you know, just like this guy hates women. Obviously. Guys like this, obviously, in the most extreme sense. Give just average guys a bad name. Now women are run around thinking that we're all psychopaths, like this guy. Yeah. Oh, I hope this guy is never walking the streets ever again.

Jason Connell:

Well, as he was facing mounting evidence, Fontana finally told investigators that he accidentally killed my Tessie during consensual sex, and then chopped her up and hid the romance.

Sal Rodriguez:

Okay, Jason, I'm gonna share something with you real quick. You know, there have been women in my life. And I've talked to other guys, maybe women who like a little bit of s&m during sex. Okay, so I've been with some women in the past. They like to be choked. They like to have their kind of air cut off. And I was so reluctant. They probably just thought I was in some pansy. But I'd be like, This is very dangerous. Like, what if I accidentally killed you? I'm going to tell the police. Oh, she wanted this. I said no. And of course, it creates a bad scene me me basically declining their wishes, you know. But yeah, I do believe it is possible to accidentally kill someone during consensual sex. It's possible. That's why we have to try not to do it. And also, just for the record, it is very hard to kill somebody. I think one of our stories we talked about that we talked about a detective was saying such a thing. It's not easy to kill someone. So yeah, you got to be careful, do not do not put yourself in that situation. And if you do ever kill somebody accidentally, you put your hands up, you call the authorities and you claim it and you don't try this massive cover up, which makes you only look more and more evil.

Jason Connell:

Well, back to your story. I would say if you're ever in that situation again. And you're gonna go through with it. Filming consent right there. Just go through everything. Have

Sal Rodriguez:

you ever been skydiving? No, I never will. Okay, when you go skydiving before you go and do that you have to be on camera and put your hands up and say I realize I'm skydiving I realized that it is dangerous. I do consent. You literally do an on camera cassette. You go Yeah, go ahead and do that. Now if you're gonna be doing anything. Same thing.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. Fair enough. So now, among the creepy details of the alleged confession, here's how he used the phone. He'd be in fontana. And we'll test his phone for the last three months. And he was using it to tell her mother that she had left porn. He also sent kinky messages to her boyfriend who lives in Holland. He was literally like, proactive in this way. And then was impersonating impersonating her keeping her alive and like, well, you know, the boyfriend will heal like this. And he's probably asking questions and the mom's like, Hey, you should get out of porn. So yeah, he's taken it upon himself to speak for her after he killed her and dismembered her. And then police published Of course, I mentioned earlier they published the photos of her tattoos and that's what got her identified. Well, several friends and fans wrote after seeing that, they wrote to Montecillo to see if she was okay. And of which Fontana responded by saying, yes, they look like me, meaning the tattoos but luckily I'm okay. Because people are reaching out like, you know, they kind of could be yours. It was too similar. I wanted to, oh my gosh, he just kept the lie going, keeping everything at bay, but he knew it was coming to an end. So

Sal Rodriguez:

I can only imagine that this very disturbed individual, this assailant utilizing technology. I'm wondering if maybe some of the famous historical serial killers of yesteryear such as Bundy and Gacy would have done such a thing had they made the technology available? Would they have done such thing because I'm kind of even thinking how even Bundy hasn't done something like this impersonating their victims have it? Has he done anything like that? I don't think so. I did Gacy and personally people I don't think gays I don't think Bundy

Jason Connell:

got that close to his victims. I don't think he was going to a neighbor right it was so random How could you pin it back to them and then nor would he go forward to the cops and be caught and video server. Unfortunately Bundy was really good at what he did you know and Gacy and so yeah, I think it was a lot more random and hard to pin down.

Sal Rodriguez:

This is very, very sad. Very true.

Jason Connell:

Oh my gosh, this reading that earlier was so disturbing, and I can only imagine so I don't like the mother, the boyfriend, the friends family, when they find this out, when they find out that they were talking to the killer. What does that do to them? Not only their, you know, mourning the loss of more Tessie, Carol, but they're also like I was communicating with this sociopath is killer. How do you even get over that?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, Jason, this is when I believe in trying to have a justice prevail, I do believe in giving the courts the opportunity to do what courts do. But you know what, there are times when I believe in looking the other way and allowing good old fashioned street justice to do its thing. Street Justice. Yeah. You know what, like I said, I'll look the other way. I'm not a fan of capital punishment. I've said that publicly. I'm not a fan of capital punishment. But I might look the other way, while something goes down. You know what I mean? What happened

Jason Connell:

to Dahmer in prison?

Sal Rodriguez:

He was killed? Yes.

Jason Connell:

I mean, Fontana gets in prison. I don't know what an Italian prisons like. But maybe they won't take kind to someone who killed a porn star? I don't know. Yeah, we shall see. But on that note, as far as Fontanne is concerned, he indeed was arrested and charged with aggravated first degree homicide, dismemberment, and concealing a corpse. So this is very fresh case, as we talked about, so he hasn't been sentenced yet. But it seems a pretty much open shut case. I mean, I would say, all this evidence and his confession. So I think that they've got their man and put him away for a long time, as you say, St. Justice, prison justice. I don't know, no comment here. But he needs to be put away and throw the key far away.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. Well, I guess we might have a follow up when we cover his sentencing maybe, right, maybe we'll see what happens. I don't know. Do they have the death penalty in Italy? I'm not sure. I don't know, you know, and of course, this guy did his own self a disservice. Because if he would have done it, and maybe thrown his hands up and said, I'm sorry. And then at this point, they might have given them a second degree, maybe he would have done 10 years. You know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this. Instead, the whole cover up the Oh, my God, texting the family. And then that one weird thing, provocative messages to the boyfriend. This guy was a total weirdo all the way in every sense of the word. And now at this point, I want to know what's going to happen to this guy and how long he will indeed be put away.

Jason Connell:

So I just looked this up in that moment there, Italy has banished capital punishment. So that will not happen to had it at one point in time a long time ago, but just put him away for a long time. I mean, this guy was a banker. He had the money and the means he didn't need to get caught up in this. Whatever that was. And if it really was an accident, yeah, call the authorities and say it got kinky. And I don't know. And you're right, put him away for a little while. But the further he took this line, it got worse and worse and worse and worse and rest in peace, caramel Tessie, so sad. She was so young, 26 years old, starting their career doing well, a very legitimate site, right meets the wrong person, the wrong neighbor.

Sal Rodriguez:

And to be fair, to be absolutely fair, based on the information that you and I have at our disposal here. We don't know if there was any relationship to her profession. I don't know. To this to her demise. Yeah. We don't know if there's any connection.

Jason Connell:

Could this be a jealous fan? Yeah.

Sal Rodriguez:

I mean, she could have been already like, remember the neighbor. So who knows? I mean, she could have been a waitress, she could have been an accountant. You know what I mean? Like, it could have had nothing to do with it.

Jason Connell:

You meet Fontana. And he's like, he gets this fetish, like, Oh, she's in the adult industry. And I'm a banker. And you never know what could have lit him up. Something had to cross that line, something put that seed there, where they know they're gonna be intimate. And then it just goes south. He was fulfilling some sort of weird fantasy. And then, obviously, he didn't think it out. And this is where you get you make bad decisions. It's terrible. It's terrible. And I know we cover these types of gruesome crimes on that's a crime as well as much lighter misdemeanors, but I felt like it was important to cover and it was also kind of fascinating. And yeah, we'll look and see if there's any more information. The Italian newspapers were a little tricky to navigate. We'll see if we have that. But Sure.

Sal Rodriguez:

Also, Jason, I think if I've ever heard an argument in favor of getting tattoos, here we are. It helps to identify you.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, she may never have been identified. passerby sees a hand and it's like what body is this? Yeah, it could have gone years a Jane Doe, it could have never been solved. So that covers itself. pornstars iconic tattoos, self murder case and 2020 to

Sal Rodriguez:

rest in peace, Carol and also said Mother of One. So her child, oh my gosh, yes. We didn't get into her. Her child. She

Jason Connell:

has a son. It did say that.

Sal Rodriguez:

He's okay. I hope he's not. You know, I mean, he's something like this happens a great tragedy when the kid has to carry this their whole life. So I hope that they're okay as well. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

Didn't even mention the father. She had a boyfriend in Holland. So I hope that he has a parent, the father. I hope that this grandparents, obviously did mention the mother so hopefully they around but yeah, very very tragic. I don't even know there's a GoFundMe was really tricky because it was this Italian story and I think it had pizzazz. So it popped up on a few things, but I really had to save a little bit of information, you know, but really interesting case tragic and sound. Until the next one,

Sal Rodriguez:

to our listeners, we will tell you that we will do our best efforts to provide a follow up. Yeah, if and when we do hear about sentencing.

Jason Connell:

Absolutely. So unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with manscaped

Sal Rodriguez:

and get 20% off and free shipping with the code. That's a

Jason Connell:

So thank you so much for listening. And please be sure to subscribe to the that's a crime podcast as well as the that's a crime YouTube Live Channel. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcast,

Sal Rodriguez:

and for all your listeners and enjoy sharing your thoughts. You can leave us a review on Apple podcasts, send us a direct message or post a comment on any that's a crime social media platform.

Jason Connell:

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