That's A Crime
A fascinating true crime podcast dissecting everything from a misdemeanor to a murder. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & true crime junkie, & Sal Rodriguez, comedian & toy expert/collector.
That's A Crime
Family Feud Contestant Joked He Regretted Marrying His Wife Then Murdered Her (2023)
That's A Crime
Episode 60: Family Feud Contestant Joked He Regretted Marrying His Wife Then Murdered Her (2023)
Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down the true crime story of the Family Feud Contestant Joked He Regretted Marrying His Wife Then Murdered Her in 2023. In 2019, Timothy Bliefnick was a contestant on the Family Feud Game Show and joked about his marriage to his wife, Rebecca Bliefnick. On February 23, 2023, 41-year-old Rebecca, and mother of three, was found shot to death in her home in Quincy, Illinois. Her estranged husband, 40-year-old, Timothy was found guilty of her murder.
Recorded: 06-13-23
Studio: Just Curious Media
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Whoa, just curious. Welcome to disk curious media. This is not a crime. I'm Jason Connell.
Sal Rodriguez:And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
Jason Connell:All right, Sal, we are back for another crime.
Sal Rodriguez:And an interesting one, because it's both horrific. And there's a humorous slant to it, because how we are led into the case.
Jason Connell:That's exactly true. I concur completely. Because today we are breaking down the True Crime Story of the Family Feud. Contestant joked he regretted marrying his wife then murdered her in 2023. Yeah, it's catches headlines. It caught my interest and my attention like wait, Family Feud contestant, yeah, called his shot, and literally killed his wife. It's like, it is absolutely horrific. But it's tantalizing. like who is this person? Because immediately you're going, There's got to be fitted to this person. I got to see this guy. And there is and we're going to bring that into play at the appropriate time. But I don't know if you're a big family feud fan. So before we get into the crime,
Sal Rodriguez:Well, historically, I am a game show fan in general to such the degree that I have, just to make sure yes, I've been on to game shows that have aired. I've been on to game shows, and I've seen you on one of them. Yeah. years ago. The first one I did was about the mid 90s shortlived game show called Sex wars. The idea was three guys against three girls. And it was six words that should have been like Gender Wars, really. I mean, there's no sex involved, but three guys versus three girls trivia. Oh, so we did not win. The guys did not win. But I got a nice piece of luggage that I used for years. So that was appreciated. And then recently I had the displeasure the only reason I say displeasure is because I did not win as a spoiler. But I was recently on the new game show on Game Show Network called split second. And I had a great time, but I'm not. I'll tell our listeners because I love our listeners. But I'm not like telling the world because I didn't win. And I'll tell you part of it was that clicker? That clicker?
Jason Connell:I know. I was watching it. We were watching Sofia and I like oh, yeah, that one guy buzzes in all the time. Yes. You have
Sal Rodriguez:the clicker. He knew the trick. Or he knew some little trick that I didn't know.
Jason Connell:I think we should break down your episode on how to clicker.
Sal Rodriguez:What happened on that was,
Jason Connell:you know what true, true crime. And as
Sal Rodriguez:far as like Family Feud. For years, all of us have seen no shortage of Family Feud clips, with people giving funny answers, silly answers. Scandalous answers yet controversial answers. So this guy would have just been part of that list. Yeah, except for what happened.
Jason Connell:So more about Family Feud, the show. It's an American television game show created by Mark Goodson came out in 1976. So it's been around for a while, the year of the Bicentennial, go figure. It features the show features to families who compete to name the most popular answers to survey questions in order to win cash and prizes.
Sal Rodriguez:Jason, I just want to I just want to say real quick. And that's very important, because I think, not that I'm letting the guy off the hook. But when you listen to his answer how he's answering yes, yes, yeah. Because remember, the purpose of the show is to name the most popular answers, not necessarily as they pertain to you personally, not necessarily as what you think is the right answer. But what do you think most people answered?
Jason Connell:Yeah. And they usually say, survey says, yeah, and they checked the survey and things flipped over. Yeah, never. The show never really went modern. It's this old school technology. It works a lot of personality. But so why don't you and it's a good point, you bring up a good point. We'll talk more about that as we get into his appearance on the show. But why don't you rattle off the show's hosts because it's only had so many in all of its years, but I remember the original the OG to the show, but rattle off these guys. I know you're not going by memory. They're written down and you can talk about your faves go hell because
Sal Rodriguez:I only know three of them, but the hosts have been Richard Dawson, Ray combs, Louie Anderson, Richard Karn, John O'Hurley. And Steve Harvey, who I believe is the current Yes,
Jason Connell:yeah. So Richard Dawson from a Hogan's Heroes was the original and he would actually kiss all the women. Yes,
Sal Rodriguez:I remember that that could not be done today
Jason Connell:is the 70s into the early 80s.
Sal Rodriguez:He would just to be clear, he would give a kiss on the lips to every woman, every woman,
Jason Connell:and once he got it going, it was no stopping that it was given. He's gonna kiss you. Crazy. It was a different time. Right Tom's if you don't know the name, if you looked him up. He was host on other shows very recognizable. Louie Anderson, amazing comic genius. And Richard Karn was on home improvement. He was the beard. He's fantastic. And then John O'Hurley looked familiar to me when I looked him up. And then Steve Harvey's been dominating the show for a while a lot of clips pop up online social media. He's really funny. He has it down to a tee. I think he moved to Atlanta. And then the show is now filmed there, because he's there. So it's very convenient for him. That's what I read. So anyway, so that's backstory on the show. Now we can get into the crime. So Timothy bleef, Nick, and some of his family members were contestants on Family Feud. In the episode, Timothy joked about his marriage to his wife, Rebecca bleef, Nick. And so this is just kind of the exchange that he has with Steve Harvey. And your point earlier is, you know, definitely a spot on but we'll talk it through and then we'll show the clip. Sure. So host Steve Harvey asked,
Sal Rodriguez:What's your biggest mistake you made at your wedding?
Jason Connell:And Timothy's response was,
Sal Rodriguez:Honey, I love you but said I do not my mistake. Not by mistake. I love my wife. I'm gonna get in trouble for that, aren't
Jason Connell:I? And then of course, Steve Harvey's like giving him the look. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of things that it looks
Sal Rodriguez:a lot of there. Yeah, a lot of those clips from family feud that we've grown to love over the last few years. Steve Harvey's reactions to the answer.
Jason Connell:It's the reactions that are fantastic. Yes. Okay. So I'm going to queue this up, just so you can actually see this and you can actually see Timothy and I'm not have a photo of him now. But I'm telling you, Sal, and listeners and fans, go look him up now. You wouldn't recognize when you saw him you would not recognize him. It blew me away is like clean cut guy on the show. Anything but now it looks like Dog the Bounty Hunter was they were hanging out or something? It's like, I don't know what happened in his life. Obviously not good things, terrible things for him to murder his wife.But here's the clip.
Media:Here was this now haunting joke he made about his wedding. What's the biggest mistake you made? It's your wedding. Honey, I love you but said I do. Not mine. I love my wife. I'm gonna get in trouble for that.
Sal Rodriguez:And I think it's kind of funny that the clip goes on to interview. Yeah. The test another contestant
Jason Connell:that was there that day. Yeah. And she says, My dad said there's something off about that guy. Talking about Tim. His name's Tim on the show Tim. So but clean cut. Charismatic. Sure.
Sal Rodriguez:And he was handsome. And she says he was handsome. He was a handsome guy. Absolutely handsome, good looking, wearing a bow tie. Now to me Bow ties are suspect. But he looks great. It was just an average day on the game show set right?
Jason Connell:Average, you know, the sets are like, oh, yeah, high pressure. Let me
Sal Rodriguez:let me tell you something folks. Being on a game show is a lot of pressure. Especially if you want to win the money.
Jason Connell:I have to brag on you for a second. Okay, so you just such a good impression of Tony Montoya from Scarface? Yes,
Sal Rodriguez:that's right. That just came out that way. Yeah. It came out as an impression just
Jason Connell:automatically. It was going give it to our fans fun.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, the question was, it was about the movie Scarface? Yes. And I forgot what the exact question was famous movie quotes. And the answer was say hello to my little friend.
Jason Connell:And you said it just like that. And you got a laugh out. I got a laugh
Sal Rodriguez:from the studio audience and and the host,
Jason Connell:and you said he won't which we didn't see. Because they cut things out. You told me later that he then asked you a question. You froze up. Okay.
Sal Rodriguez:So that's, that's what I'm talking about the pressure because right after that particular question, he as an aside, says, says to me looking right at me, and you know what movie that's from? And I was just blank, because I kind of went catatonic. I answered the question. And then he hit me with sort of an aside. And then he answered it. He goes Scarface. He answered the question that he just asked me,
Jason Connell:because you probably didn't even think he's talking to you know, I did it. I went Tomic that's how you talk.
Sal Rodriguez:That's what I should have gone with another person that would have been a taxi
Jason Connell:driver. I would love that. Alright, so back to the crime. Now, that episode was taped in the fall of 2019 and then aired in 2020. Then tragically, on February 23 2023, Rebecca bleef Nick was found shot to death in her Quincy, Illinois home after she didn't pick up her three sons from school. Just that sentence, Sal devastating. Absolutely shot dead in her home. Yeah, kids are waiting. Where's mom and to know who did it. This is where it's no longer cute Family Feud, episode and into murder.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, because it becomes very selfish if you just it's one thing to kill someone that's not horrible enough, right? But you're killing the mother of your children. You are killing the mother of your children, your former spouse, or existing spouse, I think they were actually married at the time. But you're you're punishing your children, you are giving them such a cold punishment, that they're going to have to deal with the rest of their life horrible.
Jason Connell:And they're not going to recover from this. No, they might have normal lives. But this is a scar you can't heal. You carry
Sal Rodriguez:that with you your whole life. Yeah, it's terrible.
Jason Connell:So apparently, the couple was going through a divorce at the time of the killing. And both had filed restraining orders against one another. I don't know how often that happens.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, no, it's one of those things like we've seen on our favorite show. Let's talk Cobra Kai, were one of the characters filed like, oh, you file a restraining order me I file one on you. Yeah, right. It's done
Jason Connell:just in the counter first, which is interesting.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah. Okay, well, that's a preemptive then. So yeah, it could have been one of those things like we're not led to believe that the husband ever felt in danger of his wife. I don't think we have any information on that.
Jason Connell:Well, I did read that. That's what he wrote something like that. He was feeling threatened. So but you know, people are feeling things that might not be present. Sure. And we don't know. I mean, there's not a lot about this. All that I have is going to be shared here today. I don't know the backstory of Timothy. Right. Or even Rebecca relationship. But I thought it was interesting that they both had restraining orders. And he filed first was like, wow, that's a head scratcher. And
Sal Rodriguez:by the way, Jason, I have to be clear, just because I it had to occur to me, especially after watching the video clip. The wife was not present. No. on the family
Jason Connell:handle. They would have focused on that. Yeah, she should have said that. No. different family members. Yeah. And I'm not sure sometimes they're cousins. You know what,
Sal Rodriguez:whoever distributes, some people may have no interest in going to the game show. Right? Exactly. Yeah.
Jason Connell:You would go, no doubt about it. I want someone else out. Rodri I want the money. So skipping ahead to the trial. During the trial, one of her sisters, Sarah Riley testified that Rebecca had previously voiced concerns about her estranged husband, she went on to share a text message, Rebecca sent her or shared with her in September 2021, which said, What Sal,
Sal Rodriguez:if something ever happens to me, make sure the number one person of interest is Tim, I'm putting this in writing that I'm fearful he will somehow harm me. Man, the fact that you even have to put something like that in writing in the first place.
Jason Connell:Yeah, he'd already crossed some lines to be like, Okay, and this isn't, unfortunately, this is not the first time I've heard something like this from a woman. No, yeah, been killed. And like written it down. It's in their diary, they share with a family member and that they just they sent something because some people as you know, so there's a point where they just wouldn't cross, right. Like this guy would never even punch a woman. Yeah, in some people, that line is just vanished. And if someone's on the other side of that they're probably feeling that like, oh, this person's boundaries are, you know, OJ his spouse that he killed?
Sal Rodriguez:Wait, did she give warnings ahead of time ton?
Jason Connell:Called cops and said, Warren and told her sisters, you know, like, LJ is gonna, he's gonna kill me someday she knew. So like, that's the stuff like you when you feel it, then it's really really intensifies and manifest and you share it with people but no one wants to believe it. You know, like, Okay, I know but you know, he gets the three kids and that's scary. You're not safe because
Sal Rodriguez:the problem is with our legal system is until okay, you can do a restraining order fine. Any of us can do restraining orders. But until somebody actually gets hurt, yeah. harmed assaulted killed. Yeah, there's nothing that the police can do. Yeah, they have to wait. It's like if you want to put a crosswalk in the street somebody's gotta get killed before you put a crosswalk in the street and exactly
Jason Connell:it was Nicole Brown Simpson. I wanted to give respectful
Sal Rodriguez:Brown Simpson her as a matter of fact, speaking of Jason, I just saw Kato Kaelin at the local Vons the other day you get out of here. Absolutely true. We're in the produce area. Look over I recognized him because when I used to do these podcasts years ago, he would come into the studio do some I think he had a podcast. Yeah, I'm sure he did. So he was standing there minding his own business. A woman approached him and started the conversation with him. He was very friendly, very open. In fact, what I know of him I think he is a very friendly man. But yeah, he was there at the local Vons in Burbank.
Jason Connell:I love it. That's great. Oh, man, Los Angeles, are in Burbank. So forget where we were at. But that was a good call back to the 90s. A crime of the century. So 40 year old Timothy bleef. Nick was found guilty on two counts of first degree murder and one count of home invasion in connection with the death of his estranged wife, 41 year old Rebecca, belief, Nick, rest in peace, Rebecca, and I don't have any information on sentencing. But I'm glad that it's sounds open and shut to me. You know, you start looking around for, you know, What's the motive here? What's the motive here, this guy's got a restraining order, I'm sure there have been some things that, I don't know if cops are called. And there's a laundry list of times they've come out, I don't know that. But I do know that. They got their guy, my heart goes out to the family and the kids in particular, and the parents on both sides. And this has happened on a few episodes as well. And I think this is a beautiful thing. There is a GoFundMe page that was created for Rebecca's family, and her three sons. And sounds like I hadn't even really gotten to it, I found it. Sometimes I usually like to be could go there real fast visited. It is, if you like even went to a search bar, I would say, you know, type in Becky, belief, Nick Memorial and Support Fund, if you just start typing that in a populate kind of like Google, but we could go there now we could at least share a few things about the page. I know I didn't mean to spring this on you. But no,
Sal Rodriguez:it's okay. I'm there. I'm happy to report very happy to report nearly $112,000 raised of the tutor $30,000 goal. Yeah. Yeah, that's nice to see. And, you know, I don't know why. I don't want to like out children. But I would love to see these little children that she has the survivors, you know, the little survivors. Oh, I hope that they're well. Yeah. So there she is. Beautiful picture looking like her hair blown in the wind.
Jason Connell:And there's some updates on here. i Oh, I mean, there's a post verdict update. And then there's this stuff. They talk about the family. And yes, it says that there are some things in here. So I mean, this is also just writing. So I don't know, I'm not just gonna take this, but there is some information on here. I'm sure they keep people posted. There's 905 donations ranging just on what I can see from $20 to 700 plus dollars. So I think it's a beautiful thing. I'm sure Steve Harvey could donate to this. Anybody. I think he Family Feud?
Sal Rodriguez:He has, I wouldn't doubt he probably has I was he seems like
Jason Connell:a good person because of demand. And so yeah, there's a nice write up here about Rebecca, because we don't get to know the victim that well, we just know that she was the mother of three and married to Timothy and, and she was killed and killed far too young. So it's one of those crimes. It's like, oh, that's intriguing. That's kind of cool. And then you know, there's a murder and it's Oh, it's like, okay, that got me in. And I've you know, now I'm learning about the victim more, and there is no justice for this. I mean, yes, I want to see, I guess if there is any Timothy has been arrested, he's convicted, he goes away. Okay, I guess that's as much as you're gonna get.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, no, Jason, one thing you always have to consider is the state what state was well, what state so Illinois? Okay, Illinois, do they have the death penalty and that sort of thing? Because I always, even though I personally have publicly declared I'm not a proponent of the death penalty. There are the states that have it right. And so there's always the possibility that somebody can get the death penalty in one of these states. And even though I do not support the death penalty, if you're a person that kills someone in cold blood, you know what, they got the death penalty there. So there you go.
Jason Connell:That's very true. Very true. We'll see. So that covers the True Crime Story of the Family Feud. Contestant joked he regretted marrying his wife then murdered her in 2023. So I try to always work in lighter crimes. This is not one of those.
Sal Rodriguez:No, it's not. I mean, the game show aspect is is is fun. But yeah, no, this is horrible. And like I said, if it weren't for the murder itself, he would have just been part of the gag reels that we see all the time. Right for some guy saying something stupid on the air that he shouldn't have. I get his point about how he was answering. But still, he shouldn't have said something like that. So yeah, it would have been able to end it there. But then yeah, look what happens and we need to know more about the case. We don't have enough because it says here home invasion really out.
Jason Connell:Well, that's what he was up for. So they were separated. And he comes in uninvited, how many times have they done that and this time, murders are, you know, so rest? Rest, and absolutely. So, fans of the show and of just curious media at large. Please give the show a five star rating on Apple podcasts. Just click a little button, boom, a little rating. If you have time to leave a review. That would be incredible. It helps us so much to stand out from other shows. It's more important than you even know. And sometimes we have to stir the pot to get people to do them unfortunately, but I'm the same way. I'm I'm a fan of shows and how often do I go do that. So it's nice to hear. And then maybe this will motivate people. Because sound I can only write so many reviews and use fake. They only do so much. And so tell them how they can talk to us communicate with us. Well, you're
Sal Rodriguez:always welcome to send us a direct message, you know, Jason, and I say, Jason, it's not me. Jason Connell reads the messages responds to messages. Heck, you may even have your message read on the show at some point. I mean, those things happen. You know, we are very interactive. Jason Connell is very interactive for all of our shows. But in this instance, that's a crime. Reach out to us post comments now find that's a crime on all your favorite social media platforms.
Jason Connell:Absolutely. And I need to do a better job of social media. There's more and more shows coming online. And it's funny, it's like, okay, productions key. Oh, yeah, we got a mark into social. So that falls by the wayside. But I am building there's some things happening. I'm getting additional help here and there. So I plan on filling those gaps, because production has really been this big thing juggling new shows and speaking to that, yeah, check out just curious media.com We have a new show launching this week, the week that we're recording this it'll probably be out by the time this comes out. And lots of new fun things are on there. We're now helping people with their own podcast from consulting to production, to hosting voiceover lots of things because we're growing the company it can't just be in no income no profit Lane forever. We're starting to diversify and get out there more and this is part of it. Talking to our fans more interacting with them more promoted ourselves which is hard for me to do so. But it's it's a must it's a must
Sal Rodriguez:know you deserve it and just curious me to deserves it. Absolutely. Believe me. I don't go around. Blah, blah about stuff unless I really believe in it myself. So no, no, that's just curious media pretty much becoming a one stop shop for content and creation of podcasts. Both. Yeah. Hey, you want to start a podcast? Reach out to us? You want to hear a podcast reach out to us? Yeah, we becoming the guys were the guys.
Jason Connell:Yeah. You tired of podcasts? Talk to us.
Sal Rodriguez:Before you press stop, yeah, reach out to us.
Jason Connell:We help we also sue that anxiety and get you back in the podcast.
Sal Rodriguez:We'll talk you down we'll talk you down from
Jason Connell:Well, that's all I got my friend and fans. Thank you, and good night. Thank you