That's A Crime
A fascinating true crime podcast dissecting everything from a misdemeanor to a murder. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & true crime junkie, & Sal Rodriguez, comedian & toy expert/collector.
That's A Crime
Mom Attempts To Hire Fake Hitman To Kill Her Toddler Son (2023)
That's A Crime
Episode 62: Mom Attempts To Hire Fake Hitman To Kill Her Toddler Son (2023)
Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down the true crime story of the Mom Attempts To Hire Fake Hitman To Kill Her Toddler Son in 2023. In July 2023, 18-year-old mother Jazmin Paez, of Miami, FL, was arrested for attempting to hire a hitman through the parody service, RentAHitman.com, with the intention of having the assassin murder her own 3-year-old son.
Recorded: 07-26-23
Studio: Just Curious Media
#justcuriousmedia #thatsacrime #mrjasonconnell #salvadorlosangeles #truecrime #misdemeanor #murder #mystery #suspense #thriller #horror #criminal #serialkiller #thief #suspect #victim #guilty #jail #prison #momattemptstohirefakehitman #tokillhertoddlerson
Whoa, just curious. Welcome to this curious media. This is that's a crime. I'm Jason Connell.
Sal Rodriguez:And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
Jason Connell:All right sound we are back with another crime.
Sal Rodriguez:And I don't know if this is a spoiler, but I'm glad there's no casualties in this.
Jason Connell:Yes, this is a tough one, or at least could have been much tougher and maybe so tough. We wouldn't have covered it. But today we are breaking down the True Crime Story of the mom attempts to hire fake hitman to kill her toddler son. In 2023.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, but she didn't know the Hitman was fake. She thought it was a real hitman.
Jason Connell:That's exactly right. So I thought what is going on here with a mother a, a young mother trying to kill her son and then hiring a hitman fake it meant a lot to unpack here a lot to talk about. But it definitely caught my eye. I'm assuming you hadn't heard of this until I brought it to your attention. It's my assumption.
Sal Rodriguez:No, I've never heard of Renta Hitman I'm reminded of there used to be an auto rental service called renter wreck. I don't think they're around anymore, because I just met
Jason Connell:this crime. You're jumping ahead. I just meant had you heard about this crime?
Sal Rodriguez:Oh, no, not at all. No. Okay. No, Jason, you, you pay more attention to news than I do. Because you know why? There's a lot of horrible things out there. There's a lot of horrible things going on. I'm gonna get depressed reading the bottom. Gonna get sad, feel powerless. Turn to whiskey.
Jason Connell:I know, turn to whiskey. There he goes, there he goes. Well, we are going to break this crime down. And there's a lot to talk about, because he guess it could have been a lot worse. It's an attempt. But it doesn't make it not illegal. It is a crime. There was real intent there. And thank goodness it was snuffed out and taken care of before it went too far. But we'll get into the mother state of mind and where you can hire a fake Hitman that can get you arrested. So a lot of things discover that was a learning curve for me. We'll go to the website as you kind of gave away their little spoiler alert ahead of times. You were jumping right in. But anyway, let's go into the crime. In July of 2023. I don't have a date. It was more vague. But 18 year old mother, Yasmine, Paez of Miami, Florida was arrested for a disturbing and horrifying crime. Paez attempted to hire a hitman through the parody service rent a hitman.com with the intention of having the assassin murderer her own three year old son now so at the head shaker head scratcher. Like are you kidding me? Also a very young mother. No excuses here. But 18 year old not fully developed mind. Emotions has a three year old I Jason Connell had an 18 year old mother. Oh, really. But she had this son at 15. But me I had a very young mother. And so I dealt with a grown up with my dad was 20 Very young parents not understand it. Just think it's kind of cool. And as I got older, I kept thinking, what were they thinking? Now I was the oldest, but like what in the heck, however, has nothing to do with the story other than the fact that I'm a young mother, and here is Yasmine. Paez, who no longer wanted to be a mother. We suspect I don't know if there's other kids. All we have is this crime. But you jumped in earlier and mentioned rent a hitman.com. And I just did as well. So I'd never been there. I went there. And Sal, I was kind of impressed with the website because you went there as we were prepping for this episode. And what did you say? satire. It's lost on the internet. And so no, we are front and center.
Sal Rodriguez:Jason, the first thing I said is we shouldn't be typing this into our browser. Yeah, that's true. You shouldn't be yes, you should not be. Trust me. We've
Jason Connell:just been flat police
Sal Rodriguez:look, police, FBI, Interpol. They're checking computers, they're checking browsers. They're checking search history. So everybody be careful out there. But yeah, go to rent a hitman.com are done. Or don't go there. Just take our word for it. I mean, to me, you know, because I grew up on the web. You know, I grew up on the web. I grew up on the onion on the web. And when I see satire like this, I know it's satire. You know, it's great satire is not lost on me. But for plenty people out there Yeah, they don't have this satire antenna.
Jason Connell:Yasmin didn't get it she's that this is a very clean and it is very clean. Well lay Get out website. Easy to navigate user friendly, user friendly of Renta Hitman merch. They have merch support service request contact and careers because it's a real thing now. So I had to go to merch I just had to you got coffee mugs ready to hit man. You have tumblers, you have t shirts and bags and desk mats and all these things and it doesn't just say there's some clever, artistic take on things. So I was impressed. And I'm actually glad this website exist to catch these types of people trying trines out to commit crimes.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, this one is extra horrible, because it's not just like your ex. You don't just want to have your ex killed, which is bad enough. execute an innocent child killed. Yeah, you know what I'm reminded of the Omen because why would a person want a child their own child killed Damien? Like we know nothing about why like, like, was she just tired of being a mother couldn't handle it? Or does she think like her own child was malevolent or evil or something? Why would somebody tried to do this?
Jason Connell:I don't think we can justify it that way. I think she's drained.
Sal Rodriguez:I'm not justifying. I'm saying what will be her defense? When she finally has her day in court? Yeah, what she's gonna say. Yeah, I thought my toddler was evil. Or I was just tired of being a mother and wanted to be because you know, what, if you say I thought my toddler was evil, all of a sudden, it's an insanity plea. And that changes things.
Jason Connell:I don't want to pass judgment. But you may want to look at the mugshot. No, no, a picture speaks 1000 words, look at the mugshot. And it may like, anyway, let's die. No.
Sal Rodriguez:Yes. Are you lucky to have problems?
Jason Connell:Yeah, the shocking plot came to light when investigators posing as the for hire killer, engaged in conversations with Paez to flesh out the demented plan, during their communication Pi has reportedly agreed to pay $3,000 for the murder. So So obviously, this is a sick person we're dealing with, to being engaged in this type of thing. If you really don't want your child, there are services, there are others, there's a dot, there's a lot of things, you could take those paths, something's wrong with pi as to even be engaging in such communications.
Sal Rodriguez:You know, just and there used to be something that people talked about a few years ago, but people don't talk about anymore. And that's something called a safe haven. They're the safe haven places where a person can literally surrender a child. In fact, the sign still remains on the visitor center of the Griffith Park where I go exercise or exercise at Griffith Park, there's a sign there on the visitor center, the emblem of the safe haven. And that means fire departments, I think has certain hospitals, certain community centers, you can literally leave a child. And the idea is leave your child here with a stranger at this community center or this fire department instead of doing something horrible. That was
Jason Connell:amazing. I'm very familiar with Griffith Park, went there for hikes played sports, they're organized, non organized, hung out with friends everything, but I never knew that. That's really fascinating yet look for this kind of sign. It takes a lot of real estate up in Los Angeles. And so there's probably a lot of outlets and that's a wonderful thing that they have. I had no idea. So yes, there are things like that one can do. A person of sound mind. Not this Paez. Now fortunately, rent a hitman founder run a hitman.com founder, Bob I Knez. Notice this suspicious and specific request and decided to tip off authorities. Now I've actually seen Bob doing a quick interview before we came on trying to get his name correct. But it was interesting what I learned in this this couple of minutes that it was this little website he got for hardly anything. He was in school. And it became what it is. It's more like To Catch A Predator. You know, it's funny, it's satire, but it is working in this way. This isn't a one off and we'll talk about this at the end. Because there had been other people who have stumbled on this trap.
Sal Rodriguez:Definitely a trap,
Jason Connell:which is crazy.
Sal Rodriguez:I mean, I always use the term you can't kind of con so something like this would not fool me. But yeah, plenty of people like I have a friend I have a good friend who fell for the Nigerian prince scam where I'm you know, I'm gonna send you$2,000 And then you say 10 or whatever. What happened he really fell for that he did he lost I think like 10 grand I think you'd like why are 10 grand to some anonymous place? so believable? Well, I was raised that way. I was raised to be suspicious of everything
Jason Connell:suspicious of everybody. Well, I was just doing a service request on rent a hitman.com. I was trying to offer a co host. And just just you know, and I think I'm busted.
Sal Rodriguez:You can have it done for $500. You wouldn't need to do
Jason Connell:300. Get out here.
Sal Rodriguez:Fiverr Fiverr will do
Jason Connell:fiverr.com. Much cheaper. That's good. Well, here's what happened. So Bob's radar goes off, not the first time he's had someone come in to rent a hitman.com and engage in this type of behavior. So he initiates with the authorities gives him a tip, the police do not take him serious initially. Oh, my gosh. So they went so far against his request that they were threatening to send him a cease and desist letter for his persistence and contacting them.
Sal Rodriguez:The police are literally like, stop calling,
Jason Connell:Hey, would you stop? This is not a thing. However, to learn how many people have getting caught in this trap. I'm kind of shocked that they're not like police supported, like, Oh, hey, it's rent a hitman.com. And they've got someone else in the web, but whatever. In this instance, he there was some pushback. But authorities finally started to review the evidence and traced Paez his IP address tour home and confirmed with the child's grandmother, that the target was indeed pIaces son. Additionally, court documents revealed that pious had submitted pictures of her son and the exact location where the crime was supposed to take place. Not good sounds. So this wasn't just like an inquiry. This was thought out, followed through I don't know if a payment was made, I'm assuming no. But here's my son. He's going to be here at the school yard or leaving school. Like, are you kidding me? And what was the grandmother's response? She probably threw her under the bus immediately. Like my daughter is deranged, something's wrong. I gotta protect my grandkid. Thank goodness, she's around. But this is just like, what? Insane?
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, because you know, what happens here is she ends up losing her kid, and now go into prison before she just could have surrendered her child somewhere, claimed to be an unfit parent and walked away and probably not gone to prison. So if her goal was to get rid of her child, either way, she would have gotten it done. But this way she winds up in prison. What was this woman thinking?
Jason Connell:Terrible, terrible. So Yasmin Paez was then arrested, thank goodness and charged with first degree solicitation of murder. And third degree use of a communications device for unlawful purposes.
Sal Rodriguez:That's a new credit and heard that. Yeah,
Jason Connell:I hadn't heard that. I
Sal Rodriguez:was gonna ask the new crime. Yeah. So I think we're at a point now where, like, interesting where like, if I commit a crime, that's one thing, but if I may be on my cell phone or using my cell phone to help me, that's another crime
Jason Connell:communications device. Wow. purposes. Interesting. I am curious to see how long assuming she's found guilty, how long of a sentence this would be it's not know obviously didn't go further. But I just I would like to follow up with this, put a Google alert and see if and when it's reported, just didn't know what she's looking at?
Sal Rodriguez:Well, that's what I'm saying is that we got to know what the play is going to be in the play will be based on why like, why does she want to have a child killed because and that's going to be the big, you know, Crossroads as far as is she going to be like just a woman who was tired of being a mother, or she really has incredible mental health issues, maybe schizophrenia, that sort of thing. And she's thinking, you know, her child is evil or something like that. So I think that the idea is if you are caught red handed, committing something like this murder, attempted murder, is to go the insanity route, right? Isn't that what the attorneys advise is to go inside?
Jason Connell:And probably probably exactly. You've mentioned that all the time. And again, not to pass judgment, but looking at that mug shot says a lot.
Sal Rodriguez:You can tell she is wrong, right? You can tell they're
Jason Connell:kind of beat up even I was like, What's going on here? So I wouldn't be surprised if that's what comes of it. But again, we'll keep our eyes and ears open. Now there is a statement from Renta hitman, the website and I'd love you to read it to share it gets into some things we've talked about. And yeah, it's a great website for this purpose.
Sal Rodriguez:The service request form and careers form on the renter Hitman website have been repeatedly used to catch people attempting to hire a hitman for illegal purposes. For instance, Tennessee Air National Guardsmen was arrested after trying to hire a hitman as a prank. And a Michigan woman admitted to hiring a hitman through the site to kill her ex husband. Since 2018. At least 120 people in New York alone have used red to Hitman for similar intentions. Despite the websites, warnings, including false testimonials and humorous ads, desperate individuals continue to send solicitations. As a result, high profile arrests are made when the information is shared with the police.
Jason Connell:There you go. Again, that's why I was a little shocked that there was pushback from the police. If Bob had just announced himself,
Sal Rodriguez:I can't believe these police,
Jason Connell:like a would you stop telling us to do how to do our job? Maybe it was a different jurisdiction. That could have been it. Obviously, they're out there doing good work. That's probably a big part of it. Like, hey, don't tell us our job. But it's working. They're catching people, 120 people alone in New York and 2018. Like, what?
Sal Rodriguez:This is terrible, because this brings to mind. Similarly, in the case of serial killers, were like 120 people. Okay, so those theoretically, those 120 people, you wouldn't know, you may not know, they may be your coworker, they may be a family member. I'm assuming those are like, quote unquote, regular people. You could have been on that list. So I you know what, I don't know who I would want to that badly. No, you
Jason Connell:could have been on the hit list. Oh,
Sal Rodriguez:how about that? Someone wants me dead? Yeah, it can happen. That to me when it comes to crime. And when it comes to brutal, violent, wicked crimes that thought of, could it be somebody I know? Because every time they catch a serial killer, they talk to their neighbors, they talk to their friends, they talk to their family. Right? Right. Oh, I never would have known It's so quiet. Such a nice guy. You'd never know. Right? So yeah, it's things like this is like geez, 120 people trying to get a hitman to kill somebody? Yeah, presumably close to them. Terrible.
Jason Connell:But this one in particular, what's a three year old toddler done? Like, I mean, the best thing that happened was he was separated from his mother. And hopefully his grandmother is a safe place a safe harbor, as we said earlier, and if not, they'll we'll find out authorities now we'll find out if this is a good thing for him or take the child elsewhere. So that's the best thing to come of this, thank goodness. And we've learned about rent a hitman.com. And we might get some merch, they may be good sponsors for that to crime. So be
Sal Rodriguez:good to develop a relationship with them. Because obviously, if this site is currently doing what it's doing, it's like it's reached beyond satire at this point, actually, like catching criminals. Yeah, I would like to have a relationship with them. Because guess what, we're going to be seeing more news stories like this as they continue doing what they do,
Jason Connell:probably. And that means our browser history is going to have a lot of Renta hitman.com And we might get in trouble.
Sal Rodriguez:There's there's a trope going around about people's last words like well, what were these last words like? Clear my browser history, like those are the last things people are muttering on their deathbeds?
Jason Connell:Oh my gosh. That's pretty good. Well, I'm
Sal Rodriguez:glad to hear oh, boy, there's this little three year old innocent boy. I'm glad he's okay. I hope he can have sanctuary. I hope maybe his grandmother is going to take care of them. And I hope they go on to lead a normal life. Because guess what, you know who else is mother tried to have them killed? Not yours, right? No, no, Tony Soprano, remember? Oh, right. Yes. Remember, Tony Soprano's Mother, no offense
Jason Connell:to your mother. They're so sorry. That was no offense. Yes, of course. The Sopranos reference. Yeah, she did. Yeah.
Sal Rodriguez:So yeah, I'm glad this little boy is safe and sound and wishing well.
Jason Connell:Absolutely. Absolutely. And that covers the True Crime Story of the mom attempts to hire fake hitman to kill her toddler son in 2023. So Sal, we will be back with more crimes, some lighter, some darker. And you never know. It's a mixed bag here. But thanks for joining me.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, it is a full of surprises with that's a crime.
Jason Connell:It absolutely is. So thank you so much for listening. And please be sure to subscribe to the that's a crime podcast and the that's a crime YouTube Live Channel. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcast.
Sal Rodriguez:And for all your listeners that enjoy sharing your thoughts. You can leave us a review on Apple podcasts, send us a direct message or post a comment on any that's a crime social media platform.
Jason Connell:We also highly recommend checking out our other podcast and visiting just curious media.com